Why modred?

modred’s a good choice for beginners, experts, experimentalists, and computationalists from many fields. The main advantages of modred are summarized below. If you don’t know Python, it’s a terrific programming language with similarities to Matlab.

Ease of use

For smaller and simpler data, often only a single function call with a Matlab-like interface is needed. For larger and more complicated data, there is a high-level object-oriented interface. The code is written-to-be-read, open source, and well documented. In almost all cases, modred can be run in parallel (MPI) with no changes to the code.

Several algorithms included

Parallel implementations of the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), balanced POD (BPOD), dynamic mode decomposition (DMD), and Petrov-Galerkin projection are provided, as well as serial implementations of the Observer Kalman Filter Identification method (OKID) and the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA). It is easy to switch between methods.

modred can be easily extended to other methods you might like to use.

Applicable to your data

For the common case of data stacked in arrays, there are simple, Matlab-like, functions to use. For larger and more complicated data, you can provide classes and functions that interface with your data format. These functions should be written with no parallel consideration; modred does the parallelization for you. It is also possible to call existing functions in other languages such as C/C++, Fortran, Java, and Matlab with tools like Cython, SWIG, f2py, and mlabwrap, thus eliminating the need to translate existing code into Python.

Computational speed

The library efficiently orchestrates calls to numpy functions and/or functions that you provide, with little added overhead. If Python’s speed limitations become problematic, they can be bypassed by calling compiled code using tools like Cython, SWIG, and f2py.

Further, it is parallelized for a distributed memory architecture using MPI and the mpi4py module. The scaling of speedup/processors is better-than-linear up to several hundred processors, if not more.

Certain methods, such as the ERA and OKID, are typically not computationally demanding and are thus only implemented in serial.


Each individual function is unit tested independently and thoroughly, making modred results trustworthy. Furthermore, modred has already been used to analyze and model a variety of complicated, real-world datasets, with great success.


The biggest limitation is for datasets so large that it is impossible to have three vector objects in one node’s memory at the same time. By design, modred’s parallelization scheme doesn’t break up individual pieces of data for you, i.e. it doesn’t do domain decomposition for you. However, modred could be extended so that you can provide parallelized functions, allowing arbitrarily large data. If you’re curious about this, contact Brandt Belson and Jonathan Tu at modred-discuss@googlegroups.com. For now, a work-around is to use “fat” nodes with large amounts of memory.